Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Issues with Artist Statements

Okay, I don't know if it's just my luck, but I've been looking and looking and none of the artists who I feel have either a congruent style to my own, or have inspired my art in the past don't seem to have any artist statements available... Some have published interviews, and some have biographies, but no luck with artist statements. I have looked up Tarsem Singh (the director of The Cell, and The Fall), I have looked up Luis Royo, Glenn Rane (concept artist and illustrator for the Warcraft Franchise, Starcraft and Diablo), Serge Birault, Mukesh Singh (Illustrated Grant Morrison's graphic novel "18 Days"), and even Jim Henson and and Hayaho Miyazaki only have Biographies and Interviews available. *sigh*


  1. I haven't started looking for the artists statements yet. I was looking more at the resumes for today. There was one I really liked and I'll print it, but I liked the online layout most of all. Basically, it was a targeted resume by media the artist worked with. So, if there was someone specifically interested in the paintings they didn't need to view all the other information. But, I'm thinking ours will end up being a printed version more so than something like that.

  2. Fran, maybe broaden your search to Concept Artists' Statements instead of particular artists. It may require looking a more stuff that you want to, but it may also uncover someone who you're not familiar with. Also, the artists who you've looked at might have philosophies that might be applicable and could provided the impetus for your eventual statement.

  3. You might be trying too hard, Fran. Some of the more famous artists no longer need resumes or artist statements. They have agents and publishers who deal with all that. Sometimes you can find artist statements on gallery sites where they have collections, though.

    I love illustration as well. So that's where I started my search. I came up with an artist that caught my eye looking through illustration galleries. I looked through her website which led to a blog. Voila! resume, statement, the works. I am not going to use this one. I like the idea that this statement is short and fun, but it is not quite enough to be one of my five.

    Illustrator Artist Statement

  4. Thanks guys, I think I was just narrowing things down too much! Broadening my search to other individuals will probably yield more results ^_^

  5. Not sure if you've ever heard of Sons of the Storm or not, but the prominent Blizzard Artists have a site that they use for their art. They are all actually really cool and I've contacted many of them. I'm sure if you email Raneman or Samwise they would be more than willing to help you. They are usually pretty quick to respond.
