Senior Seminar: An energetic and creative group of individuals exploring a broad range of concerns vital to art majors, including the planning and eventual installation of a professional senior exhibition, contemporary theory, graduate schools, career options, approaching galleries, collaboration, and why we do what we do.
Friday, October 28, 2011
I hit a few of the places yesterday that I thought would be good for the paper products and cups. It looks like Big Lots had the best prices and the nicer items. I will take care of this part of the reception and the coffee maker rental. I also stopped at Blimpie and their party sub is either 3 footer for 44.99 which is 36 pieces or 6 footer for 79.99 with 72 pieces and it is a 24 hour notice. I am also calling the Pie Kitchen to see if they could donate a few things. I will keep you posted.
Vinyl Letter Update
I contacted a couple local places to get some round-about prices on vinyl lettering. "Fine Signs and Graphics" which is off Blackstons Mill Rd. said a 2ft tall by 6 ft wide area would cost roughly $90.00 and that is ready to apply. They do local installtion for $75.00, but if they were to make any mistakes during installtion they would correct it free of charge.
I also contacted "Sign Now" in Clarksville and a 2ft by 6ft would be estimated at $60.00. Forgot to ask about installation though. I'll check back later about that. When Zhalda spoke to Donna, this is the place she said they get vinyl from for the gallery shows. I told the man that is was for IUS fine arts, he said we would get a discount, but he wasn't able to say exactly how much right then.
Both places said the turn around time is 2 days. So that's good.
Zhalda and I are going to make a mock up with the title, names, and fonts for the chosen company to have a visual of what we want.
I also contacted "Sign Now" in Clarksville and a 2ft by 6ft would be estimated at $60.00. Forgot to ask about installation though. I'll check back later about that. When Zhalda spoke to Donna, this is the place she said they get vinyl from for the gallery shows. I told the man that is was for IUS fine arts, he said we would get a discount, but he wasn't able to say exactly how much right then.
Both places said the turn around time is 2 days. So that's good.
Zhalda and I are going to make a mock up with the title, names, and fonts for the chosen company to have a visual of what we want.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Please send Shawn 2-3 images, not necessarily ones that will be exhibited, so that he can include them on the website. Send as jpg, 800 pixels wide, 72 dpi. They will be included with final drafts of statements and resumes.
Jonathon, has PattyCakes made a commitment to us?
Brian Harper and I will be purchasing lights from the BFA and BA accounts and then sharing our wealth with each exhibit.
Insty Prints in Jeffersonville is the printer for the announcements. Talk to Denise Freville, 282-9442. We will likely use the procurement card. 1000 at the larger size will be about $350. Using the gallery mailing list will be about $130 in postage.
Send Connie via email the amount of cash you're contributing to food and paper/plastic products. Also send her what you will be preparing on your own, such as cookies of whatever.
Jerrye will donate the rental of the cider warmer.
Final artist's statements due November 8. Please have them ready for 'publication'.
Final resumes due November 3, please have them also ready for 'publication'.
Please plan on working sessions November 5&6, the more time the better.
23 days till showtime!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Don't forget to email me... and reception update.
I'll keep what everyone gives private so no one is pressured. But, in fairness, we will need some cash for overhead costs for food and paper goods. I'm going to look at the Power Point and resave it with a different name and see if I can save it some other way too and resend that.
In there is not only some of the frozen foods at Sam's but paper goods as well.
And when you're offering to bring a dish don't forget I'm estimating about 200 people at this point. We may have less but we don't want to be caught off guard at the last minute.
Some may not have heard at the end. I can get a 22# bag of ice for a little over $3 there. But we'll need coolers to hold the ice. My kids took mine camping and the plug is gone now. :( Brian said he has one but I suspect we'll need more than that.
I have a small micro that I'll bring in case we need to warm anything. If anyone else has a 2nd we may want to have that there just in case.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Our Checklist for the Gallery
This is the checklist I've come up with. Feel free to let me know if the order of things needs to be changed but this is strictly pertaining to preparing the space for installation.
- Remove ceiling tiles
- Paint walls
- Place drop-cloth (Can be done before the painting too)
- Grid the floor with duct tape
- Hang Work (Or perhaps we can use cardboard to mock up where things will hang)
- Arrange Lighting
- Set up reception area (Perhaps this should include cleaning the carpet in the front?)
- Place lettering on the windows
- Have the Show!
If I've forgotten anything, please let me know. However, I only intended this as a general checklist so its going to be lacking several details.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Brian asked me to coordinate the food/reception portion of the event.
Please use this tread for your input on what you will provide.
Thus far I have 2 helpers to serve warm and serve any food.
What I'm bringing is the punch bowl and I'll make a sherbert punch for the event myself.
I've got at least two chargers and wooden bowls for chips, bread, etc. I've contacted the artist that made the stoneware chargers to see if they can loan us anything to use and I'll post when I've heard back.
If no one has warmers I'm thinking maybe the cafeteria may loan them to us overnight if they have any? I'll go Thursday afternoon and see if I can reach the woman that runs the kitchen.
Jonathan is contacting some restaurants to see if they will contribute and if we don't hear anything by Thursday with that is there anyone else that can make some phone calls to restaurants and possibly bakeries this weekend with me? We need to know who is donating before we can plan to much on what to bring.
Fran mentioned someone willing to do some baking for us.
Also, since this is out of pocket for us what is in each of our budget financially for purchases? As I've said, I can get the discount at Sam's since I'm a member and I can see if they'll give us any additional percentage off.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Documentation of your art work:
Jonathan Ruth has agreed to conduct a two class session photography workshop for the seminar. However, the dates he is available will be November 15 and 17, the Tuesday and Thursday before our opening, but during our class time. So we're looking at 50 minute sessions. I know that we'll be pretty busy with prepping and installing, but do you think this is doable. There's not much we can do in 50 minutes at the exhibit space, and we're likely to get much more done during longer work sessions, such as evenings and weekends leading up to the 19th. This workshop will help you prepare for your PowerPoint presentations scheduled for December 1 and 6, possible the 8th as well. Thoughts?
Saturday, October 15, 2011
My thoughts are this... As far as food we probably want to see what we can have donated from restaurants first.
Pending on where we stand at that point I can ask at Sam's Club if they would give any kind of a discount over and above member discounts. I'm going to bet donations are out because it's a division of Walmart and they probably need to get corporate approval and we all seem to be running into conflicts with corporate organizations as far as time constraints.
I've had some of the Nancy's brand products over the years and those are always good. We can always bring in a micro to heat things in the backroom if we have warmers. Mine isn't huge so I can tote that for warming the foods. But, we'll probably want a 2nd one.
And I'm betting I could finagle a couple teens that would man the micros for us that day. Not that their Mom would object to slave labor. :) Jerrye's probably got one that would do that too! And I know a couple young ladies that are still gushing over him and can't wait to see him in concert! :)
I have a decent freezer here to store some foods if we need to order in advance or maybe we can ship to the store and I'll pick it up the day before. We may need some things to thaw so we wouldn't want to wait till that day.
The dessert things are normally good too like mini cheesecakes and things and they have a GREAT fresh bakery.
And we know I have the membership. (P.S. as students we can all get the membership there. When I signed up they gave a gift certificate to students which was about 1/2 the membership cost and I saved OVER that amount in the first trip.) I've never NOT saved on anything in there based on volume. And I've yet to be disappointed on the quality. So, even if they don't donate we would get reasonable prices if all want to chip in something and give me an idea of what quantities and what you would like.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Yesterday's gathering

We started to detail the necessary items for both the preparation of the space as well as the installation and opening reception. They are listed below, please indicate what items you can contribute and/or obtain for our purposes. I have indicated the ones that have volunteers.
1. Rollers/refills (we can purchase these, but if you have a roller pan and roller handles, please sign up for those. I can bring a pan and roller handle.)
2. Floor covering (Rosin paper seems to be the materials that is discussed most, but we should test it to see if it will satisfy our needs. Shawn has some at his home; can you bring it to seminar on Tuesday?)
3. Brushes (we'll need a few for cutting in and some detail work. I can bring in a few.)
4. Pedestals (can someone check with Brian Harper to see if we can borrow some from the gallery for the week-long run of the exhibit?)
5. Black duct tape (used for closing seams on floor covering and creating a repetition of the ceiling grid.
6. Staple guns/staples (does anyone have a staple gun? I can bring in one.)
7. Table cloths (it would be better to bring in such rather than purchasing. I can bring in a few, but we'll need a few more I'm sure.)
8. Plates/cups/utensils, and serving platters (we can purchase these as we get closer to the event, if need be.)
9. Small can of black flat paint and a few cans of black spray paint (used to touch up details after removing ceiling tiles. We can purchase later. In fact, there are many items that we can get at Home Depot in one fell swoop.)
10. Card tables, or some kind of easily transportable tables (so that folks can take a break and have a place to set down their refreshments. Randilyn will have guest who will be signing, so they will definitely need to set their things down in order to do so.)
11. Chairs (can't get them from the university, they are only for on-campus events. I have four folding chairs I can bring, who else can bring some in?)
12. Sandwich board (who can make a sandwich board to set out front on the side walk announcing the event?)
13. Vinyl letters (Zhalda and Katie have taken on the responsibility of organizing this feature: the title of the show and the names or all participants that can be applied to the front window. Check with Donna Stallard to see who she used for the gallery, she can get us a discount.)
14. Black extension cords (we'll likely need several given the scarcity of outlets at Preston's. Need to check on the electrical load of clamp on lights)
15. Step ladders (Shawn has volunteers two, but a few more might not be a bad idea.)
16. Food (I think we can get this covered by pitching in a little kitchen duty, Sam's club, local restaurants. What can you bring to the party?
17. A large hot-beverage server and a few hot food chaffing dishes with sterno ( November 19 might be a chilly evening, so we'll want to have something warm to serve guests.)
So there's what we came up with. I'm sure we can add to the list as the date gets closer. Since there seems to be a local shortage of clam on lights, do any of you have any that you can donate for the week of the show? Or, do we have any other ideas for lighting?
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The Facebook event.
I set up an additional Facebook account under my student e-mail for the event. I thought I could put you and Shawn on there as moderators but apparently I can't for an event. So, let me know what you want me to change there. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163082070450251
I ran into Lowe's yesterday and checked prices on the red rosin rolls and they were $11.97. It looked like all the prices were going to be the same. They had the same going for the paint rollers and even the little kits that had everything you need for $9.97. They had plenty of the paper rolls but I did not see any of the clamp on lights. I think we need to go to Home Depot and see how many are available. It would be bad if they did not have enough in stock. I only saw the one at HP.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Just a thought...
With the Student Show at IUS last fall the Dirtbags stemmed off and had the Reject Show.
We'll have all the open space at the front of Preston's. What if... We open that area up for other students to put a piece in? It would be a way to honor Preston's even further. Not in the area we'll be hanging our art. But the unfinished places.
It could be open to all the foundations people through juniors. We could have a designated time they have to come to hang their piece and they would have to come hang it themselves. And we could restrict it to one piece so we don't have someone putting up a 1/2 dozen and no room for others.
We could call their show Eclectic. LOL (Hi WIL!)
I took the liberty of looking it up. The small cards are .29 and the large are .44 cents.
Also, I'm not seeing the cat and dog stamps that I bought that benefit the animals anymore. Possibly they were discontinued. Whomever picks them up for us can ask if they are available still. It cost no extra and benefitted a good cause.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Hey guys, sorry I missed today's class, migraines are a pain >.<
Anyway, I wasn't exactly sure what all you wanted me to mention in the paragraph, but here it is... let me know what changes you wanna make to it:
"The graduating class of he IUS Fine Arts division cordially invites you to the opening event of our gallery, "Eclectica", in memory and honor of the former Preston's Arts Center of New Albany. We sincerely hope that you will join us and witness the fruits of our labor, talk with the artists themselves, and enjoy the celebrations of the evening."
Feel free to add or subtract anything you see fit.
Anyway, I wasn't exactly sure what all you wanted me to mention in the paragraph, but here it is... let me know what changes you wanna make to it:
"The graduating class of he IUS Fine Arts division cordially invites you to the opening event of our gallery, "Eclectica", in memory and honor of the former Preston's Arts Center of New Albany. We sincerely hope that you will join us and witness the fruits of our labor, talk with the artists themselves, and enjoy the celebrations of the evening."
Feel free to add or subtract anything you see fit.
Monday, October 10, 2011
To get an accurate estimate of our linear feet of art for the exhibit, please prepare an inventory by Tuesday of the works you are intending to include in the show (2-D only). Please give dimensions in height x width; so if you have a painting that is 12" high and 14" wide, state your dimensions at 12" x 14". H x W is the standard. The purpose for doing this is to make sure we have enough work to carry the space and to better gauge the amount of space needed between the works. As I mentioned last week, we had 60" feet of art and 123" of wall space. This may not have been an accurate number, so please try to be more accurate on Tuesday. See you tomorrow.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Shawn, I went to Preston's Facebook page...
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.350739765153.360799.83564060153&type=1 They have photos there of the storefront of NA Preston's, but I don't see a message option. Could you please inquire if it's OK if I use one for us for our Facebook page? Email me back! daughter_liberty@yahoo.com
Thursday, October 6, 2011
October 4th Meeting
I missed the last meeting (Tuesday, October 4th). Can someone please fill me in? Thank you!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
A question about purchasing for the show...
If we are purchasing things for the show do we need get the tax free status? If so, don't we need the EIN # or something like that?
Monday, October 3, 2011
Home Depot
I am going toHome Depot when I get off of work tomorrow night and hope to catch the same manager. I might not be at school tomorrow due to my car being worked on. If it is fixed on time , great. If not , Katie has the paper work for the check. I will blog tomorrow night when I know something.
Well, I went with my mom for some breakfast and Patticake's on Market in New Albany and we spoke with the owner, Patty, and she said she should be able to put some food together for us. I doubt it will be enough for the entire event, but I think its a start. She I just need to drop off a form to her sometime this week and she'd get back with me after Harvest Homecoming to let me know what she could do. I'll stop by Porter Paints tomorrow before class to see what they can do for us.
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