The transition from the left to the right is pretty dramatic, great job everyone. Of course there is still lots to do between now and the 19th.
- I will get with Earl from Physical Plant about the rest of the floor covering.
- Jerrye will be getting canvas scraps from the Painting studio for any flooring patch work.
- We still need to hang more of the black cloth above the grid to cover the water damage.
- We will review and discuss details of our press-release during class tomorrow.
- Daniel will retrieve the announcements (we hope).
- Shawn will check with Don and/or Gary about the stuff in the front part of the space.
- Katie and Zhalda will report on the vinyl lettering with a mock-up for tomorrow.
- Maybe Randilyn will have a sketch together for the sandwich board to also show.
- Connie is getting the details for the reception organized, and if you haven't given her your dollar food donation, please do so ASAP.
- Jonathon has secured another food donation from New Albanian.
- Everyone is getting their work prepared.
- Still a few more lighting issues to work out.
- Can we have a Saturday work session?
I know there are other things that need to be addressed, so any work sessions that you all can work out would be great. See you tomorrow.
Some of us are working Friday evening. We should think about a good cleaning on Friday night. Hopefully we will know which displays and fixtures are getting moved by then. I don't want to be kicking up major dust while the art is hanging on the walls. Saturday will be a good time to start thinking about hanging what we can and lighting. Pedestals have to be solved as well. We can talk tomorrow, but start thinking about when you can work. We are going to need everyone pitching in.
ReplyDeleteWorking on sandwich board sketches! Didn't realize how much we had done last weekend. Go us!!! (pats on my shoulder)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear that there will be a Friday evening work session. I will be out of town, but can help out on Saturday if need be.