Thursday, January 26, 2012

Where are we?

BA 1, about a week before we begin installation. How is the prep going? Have announcements been picked up? Please drop a few in my mail box for campus distribution. Are reception plans getting worked out?

BA2, how are things going with you guys?

Hope the creative work is going well and that installation plans are working out, especially for Wil and Randilyn, who have more complicated installation requirements. We do have some extra funds in our budget, so let me know if there are any special requirements (other than food) that I can help with.


  1. We're still working on the announcements for group 2 Brian and plugging along on the art.

  2. Shawn and I have worked out what we are bringing. I believe that you have the invitations by now. I think it turned out great. We are all working on our projects and getting ready. I will have all of my new paintings framed by Monday afternoon and ready. I hope it works out that way. I will touch base with everyone this week and get an update.
