Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Test email sent to BA2

Brian, do you want to be copied on things?

BA 1&2 Exhibitions

Here's the low-down and the "official" dates:

Jerrye Huber, Shawn McPheron, Randilyn Woertz, Fran Dietl, Miranda Becht

Install, February 3, 4, 5
Exhibition dates: February 6 - February 15, opening reception February 7, 5:00 - 7:00
Dismantle, February 16, 17

BA 2
Wil Goolsby, Katie Smith, Zhalda Penn, Connie Goodwin, Jonathon Stephens, Dilu Nicholas

Install, February 18, 19, 20
Exhibiton dates: February 21 - March 2, opening reception February 21, 5:00 - 7:00
Dismantle, March 3, 4

Announcements for each exhibit will be covered by the gallery budget. Each group designs their own. Please follow past gallery announcements as template as there are IU branding regulations that must be followed. I would suggest that BA 1 go to the printer by mid-January, BA2 during the first week of February. You are each responsible for you own personal mailing, the gallery will cover the cost of the gallery mailing list (approximately 350). I would suggest a Facebook event page and we can all send to our friends lists. If you want to do posters, please discuss with Marilyn and/or Michael for permission to print in the MAC lab. Each group should designate a designer or design group to begin the design/discussion process soon

Each exhibit will have approximately $75.00 for opening budget, but that will most likely be taken up by contracted refreshments from the food services (such as a $70.00 pitcher of tea). You all will supplement with food you make, buy, or have made for you.

Everyone in each group is expected to show up to prepare the gallery for your installations, and for the dismantling of each exhibit. Each group and I will meet a few weeks prior to the installation to work our floor/wall plans.

PLEASE, work out the details of preparing your work prior to installation. This is a professional exhibition and your work should reflect that professionalism.

I have invited Miranda to become part of this blog, and Dilu has been following for a while now, so you can check here for details until your set up your own method/arena for staying in touch with the members of your group. This is very much another collaborative effort, please be supportive of your team.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Final Detail

Who would believe that the image from yesterday is the same space as Gallery Eclectica. The exhibit had a very successful run of four days plus the opening night. Preston's Newsletter estimated that there were 500 in attendance that night. The Tribune ran an article about the exhibit and quoted Shawn and Wil, who represented the group very well in their comments. The guest book had many glowing comments such as, "Fabulous", "Wonderful", "Terrific Show", "So much talent, be proud", "Great show, everything looks amazing". And, yes, you should all be proud.

Be sure to mark your calendars for the BFA Seminar opening on Saturday night, December 3, at 501 Pearl Street. The reception is from 6:00 - 9:00. It's that one night only, so if you don't show that night you'll miss it.

PowerPoint presentations will finish up our semester, beginning on Thursday December 1 and continuing on the 6th and possibly the 8th. No longer than 10 minutes please. You can volunteer for the order of presentation tomorrow during class. I will also distribute the Peer Assessment forms for the collaborative Project: ECLECTICA.

What does the future hold? There will be two BA Graduating Senior Exhibitions. The first is February 6 - February 16, with an opening reception on Monday, February 6, 5:00 - 7:00. The Second will be February 21 - March 2, with an opening reception on Monday, February 21, 5:00 - 7:00. Since Daniel was recently accepted into the BFA program in Ceramics, he'll not be participating. However, don't forget that Dilu will be with the group. So think about how to divide the group into two exhibits of five. Dilu, can you give us an idea of what you will be exhibiting?

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sunday Smack-down

Tomorrow morning at 10:00 we'll gather for the last part of the collaborative project: ECLECTICA. If you have flat head screw drivers, bring them to remove the floor covering. If you need shots of the exhibit, be there on time. Lights and pedestals will be moved down the street for the BFA group. This has been a good run and there's been some good press and great word-of-mouth comments, you should all be proud.

See you tomorrow.

About Saturday

I'm sorry guys, but I'm going to need to take tomorrow off. I had to take my girlfriend to the emergency room due to an asthma attack and I'm going to be spending the day with her tomorrow to make sure she is recovering okay.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Saturday hours

This is what we said in class. Shawn needs a mental health day from that place and gave me the key! Have a great day off Shawn!

I'll actually be there from 1 till 7.
Dan said he would be coming in for a bit too at some point. And I'm actually going to clear some of my art out on Saturday so there is less to do on Sunday. :) E-mail me times and hours you can help. daughter_liberty@yahoo.com

Sat 26 - 1 till 7
- Jonathan
- Jerrye
- Katie
- 4 hours Randilyn
- 4 hours Fran

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Uumm, soo... I guess I'll just show up at 1 PM on Friday and Saturday then... and stay 'til whenever...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Develop New Albany

Check it out the publicity! Never hurts to ask...

Friday and Saturday

What time am I supposed to be there again on Fri. and Sat.? >.> Gnomes seems to have abducted the paper I had it written down on.

Event of the Season

The early minutes of the opening.

Our gallery front.

Opening in full swing.

Lots of art lookers.

The biggest part of the crowd that maintained for at least two of the three hours.

This past Saturday's opening of the BA Senior Seminar exhibit was one of the most impressive seminar exhibits I've attended. Estimates from Don Preston and Kathy Brennan had the crowd at 650, although I heard others suggest 1000. Many thanks go to Don and Kathy for posting our press release on their Newsletter, which has 5700 subscribers. I heard many strong comments from many of our guests. Don Anderson, the first BA graduate from our program in 1979, was especially impressed with everything that you all did. I know some of you had cameras with you, so please get some of those shots to Shawn for posting on the web site.

I'm very proud of all of you. The exhibit looks great, the space looks great, the food was plentiful, and the crowd entered many very complimentary comments in the guest-book. After the confusion about the wine was resolved, the success of the evening went without a hitch.

The Sunday after the Jingle Walk, we'll need to dismantle the show and the space. Please plan on participating in this last phase of the project. We'll probably need a good chunk of time, so let's plan for 10:00 a.m. and go until we're done.

Amazing opening!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

We did it!


Friday, November 18, 2011

Good Job

You guys really pulled together tonight. It was a lot of fun and hard work-I am so sore. We built a great exhibit and I am proud of all of you. That's what collaboration is all about. See you at 10am for the finishing touches.
  • Labels
  • Setup Tables
  • Adjust Lights
  • Clean and Vacuum
  • Hide Power Cords
  • Remove Light Bulbs in Randilyn's Area
  • Sandwich Board
  • Pickup Food at Restaurants
  • Food Setup
  • Open the Show!
Last call for web page edits. Look everything over and let me know what I screwed up.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Food Confirmed

I've talked with someone at New Albanian, Wick's, and Habana Blues. Not sure how much we are getting from Wick's but I told him we would prefer smaller pieces for finger food but to do whatever he thought would best showcase his business. I assume he will stick with what he told me before which was a couple of 16" pizzas. As for New Albanian, we are getting two 21" pizzas and one 17", all party cut (square). Habana Blues is going to give us two aluminum pans of paella Espanola. For those who don't know, its a rice dish which I believe he said was made with chicken. We also have six gallons of tea coming from Tucker's, 3 gallons sweet and 3 gallons unsweet. We are expected to pick this food up around 4 from Habana Blues and between 4 and 5 everywhere else. Contacts for the business are: Jaime (Hi-meh) for Habana Blues, Scott for Wicks, Sarah for New Albanian, and Trey or Deanne for Tucker's. I'll be happy to pick up the tea and pizza from New Albanian on Saturday if someone can pick up from Wick's and from Habana. Any questions, please let me know. I will also be bring the wire racks we need for food on Saturday and since we are getting paella we will probably need more sterno which I can take care of.

I sent an email to Brian... Yes! Still framing!

Suffice it to say I've had issues with them. :( Mostly physical. What time do we need to be there tomorrow?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lunch Friday?

Hi Everyone,

My dad gave me money to pay for lunch for everyone on Friday so would y'all like to eat pizza or something else?


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Exhibit Tags

Please send your information to wgoolsby@me.com .

These need to all be properly spaced in your document (doesn't matter if its just in an email, a .docx file, a .txt file or whatever) so I know exactly what goes with what.  I don't want to have to contact people or guess as to what goes with what.  Please use the following format:


The tags will be 1.5" W x 2" H, so please make sure that the information will fit cleanly on that size.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Really Big Week!!

Both class times this week will be the photo-documentation workshop with Jonathan Ruth. He suggested that if you have a camera and tripod, bring them with you. Please try to be there on time so that we can utilize the entire 50 minute sessions.

The above images represent a transition that has been a lot of work. Some of you have been Herculean in your efforts to achieve a gallery space that will truly allow all your works to be seen in the best possible way. But, there is still a lot of details to follow through on before Saturday night's opening. Shawn listed some of those details in his Oncourse post from last Satudrday. They include:
  • Finish taping
  • Finish installing lighting
  • Plan and hang artwork
  • Installations
  • Vinyl lettering
  • Sandwich board
We also need to make sure that Randilyn's installation is complete. Her father has been doing the construction, but they may need help actually getting things put together before Saturday evening.

As we agreed, all work needs to be in the space on or before Friday. If for some reason you are not able to be there Friday, make sure your work is there. Those of you using pedestals, please have them at the space on Friday as well, you are responsible for getting them there. Please keep in mind that this is a group collaborative exhibit, not a series of solo exhibits. That means that all work must be in the space in order to design the entire exhibit, how one piece interacts with another, or how a grouping interacts with others and the space simultaneously. It would be good if everyone can be there for those decisions.

See you tomorrow.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekend work session

The transition from the left to the right is pretty dramatic, great job everyone. Of course there is still lots to do between now and the 19th.

  • I will get with Earl from Physical Plant about the rest of the floor covering.
  • Jerrye will be getting canvas scraps from the Painting studio for any flooring patch work.
  • We still need to hang more of the black cloth above the grid to cover the water damage.
  • We will review and discuss details of our press-release during class tomorrow.
  • Daniel will retrieve the announcements (we hope).
  • Shawn will check with Don and/or Gary about the stuff in the front part of the space.
  • Katie and Zhalda will report on the vinyl lettering with a mock-up for tomorrow.
  • Maybe Randilyn will have a sketch together for the sandwich board to also show.
  • Connie is getting the details for the reception organized, and if you haven't given her your dollar food donation, please do so ASAP.
  • Jonathon has secured another food donation from New Albanian.
  • Everyone is getting their work prepared.
  • Still a few more lighting issues to work out.
  • Can we have a Saturday work session?

I know there are other things that need to be addressed, so any work sessions that you all can work out would be great. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

See you at 10 am Sunday. Time change is happening too!

So, keep that in mind as you head out the door.

Also, those that didn't bring your financial commitment please do so.

I did confirm with Brian as well that we'll be meeting on Tuesday too to cover the press release.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Don't forget to bring your financial contribution...

I'll have what stoneware I have and you can all look and tell me what you think and if we have enough. I'll take a photo for Jerrye to see it since she's working and see if she has similar so it doesn't have the pot luck impression. If we need more than that or her pottery won't work I'll drive up to the potter's next weekend to pick up extra pieces.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I have the website to a functional point, so I will be adding our individual artist pages. If you haven't already, send me 2 or 3 images (i don't need huge images-resize and crop as needed max 640 pixels wide) of your work if you want them on the site. Use email not OnCourse. Once the artist statements and resumes are final I can add those as well. Send me any other content you want on your page.

Take a look at the website, let me know what other pages we need. So far, I have pages for:
  • each artist (us duh)
  • details (dates, times, etc.)
  • directions (maps and such)
  • thank you (sponsors)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Press Release

I am preparing a press release that will need to go out next week to the local media. I would like to include all those who have contributed in some way to our effort. Please try to get a commitment from those you have been working on. I have so far: Don Preston, Kathy Brennan, River City Winery, Wick's Pizza, and Porter Paints. Who else needs to be mentioned? Shawn, what is Gary's last name?Jerry, send me the $$ donor's name. Connie, resend me via email the hours of operation list again, I can't seem to find it.

And to tag on to this, for those of you who haven't, send me the final resumes by end of the day tomorrow.

Friday, October 28, 2011


I hit a few of the places yesterday that I thought would be good for the paper products and cups. It looks like Big Lots had the best prices and the nicer items. I will take care of this part of the reception and the coffee maker rental. I also stopped at Blimpie and their party sub is either 3 footer for 44.99 which is 36 pieces or 6 footer for 79.99 with 72 pieces and it is a 24 hour notice. I am also calling the Pie Kitchen to see if they could donate a few things. I will keep you posted.

Vinyl Letter Update

I contacted a couple local places to get some round-about prices on vinyl lettering. "Fine Signs and Graphics" which is off Blackstons Mill Rd. said a 2ft tall by 6 ft wide area would cost roughly $90.00 and that is ready to apply. They do local installtion for $75.00, but if they were to make any mistakes during installtion they would correct it free of charge.

I also contacted "Sign Now" in Clarksville and a 2ft by 6ft would be estimated at $60.00. Forgot to ask about installation though. I'll check back later about that. When Zhalda spoke to Donna, this is the place she said they get vinyl from for the gallery shows. I told the man that is was for IUS fine arts, he said we would get a discount, but he wasn't able to say exactly how much right then.

Both places said the turn around time is 2 days. So that's good.
Zhalda and I are going to make a mock up with the title, names, and fonts for the chosen company to have a visual of what we want.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Please send Shawn 2-3 images, not necessarily ones that will be exhibited, so that he can include them on the website. Send as jpg, 800 pixels wide, 72 dpi. They will be included with final drafts of statements and resumes.

Jonathon, has PattyCakes made a commitment to us?

Brian Harper and I will be purchasing lights from the BFA and BA accounts and then sharing our wealth with each exhibit.

Insty Prints in Jeffersonville is the printer for the announcements. Talk to Denise Freville, 282-9442. We will likely use the procurement card. 1000 at the larger size will be about $350. Using the gallery mailing list will be about $130 in postage.

Send Connie via email the amount of cash you're contributing to food and paper/plastic products. Also send her what you will be preparing on your own, such as cookies of whatever.

Jerrye will donate the rental of the cider warmer.

Final artist's statements due November 8. Please have them ready for 'publication'.

Final resumes due November 3, please have them also ready for 'publication'.

Please plan on working sessions November 5&6, the more time the better.

23 days till showtime!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Heres the announcement front. if you want the back let me know and i'll export it.

Don't forget to email me... and reception update.

I'll keep what everyone gives private so no one is pressured. But, in fairness, we will need some cash for overhead costs for food and paper goods. I'm going to look at the Power Point and resave it with a different name and see if I can save it some other way too and resend that.

In there is not only some of the frozen foods at Sam's but paper goods as well.

And when you're offering to bring a dish don't forget I'm estimating about 200 people at this point. We may have less but we don't want to be caught off guard at the last minute.

Some may not have heard at the end. I can get a 22# bag of ice for a little over $3 there. But we'll need coolers to hold the ice. My kids took mine camping and the plug is gone now. :( Brian said he has one but I suspect we'll need more than that.

I have a small micro that I'll bring in case we need to warm anything. If anyone else has a 2nd we may want to have that there just in case.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our Checklist for the Gallery

This is the checklist I've come up with. Feel free to let me know if the order of things needs to be changed but this is strictly pertaining to preparing the space for installation.

  • Remove ceiling tiles
  • Paint walls
  • Place drop-cloth (Can be done before the painting too)
  • Grid the floor with duct tape
  • Hang Work (Or perhaps we can use cardboard to mock up where things will hang)
  • Arrange Lighting
  • Set up reception area (Perhaps this should include cleaning the carpet in the front?)
  • Place lettering on the windows
  • Have the Show!
If I've forgotten anything, please let me know. However, I only intended this as a general checklist so its going to be lacking several details.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Brian asked me to coordinate the food/reception portion of the event.

Please use this tread for your input on what you will provide.


Thus far I have 2 helpers to serve warm and serve any food.

What I'm bringing is the punch bowl and I'll make a sherbert punch for the event myself.

I've got at least two chargers and wooden bowls for chips, bread, etc. I've contacted the artist that made the stoneware chargers to see if they can loan us anything to use and I'll post when I've heard back.

If no one has warmers I'm thinking maybe the cafeteria may loan them to us overnight if they have any? I'll go Thursday afternoon and see if I can reach the woman that runs the kitchen.

Jonathan is contacting some restaurants to see if they will contribute and if we don't hear anything by Thursday with that is there anyone else that can make some phone calls to restaurants and possibly bakeries this weekend with me? We need to know who is donating before we can plan to much on what to bring.

Fran mentioned someone willing to do some baking for us.

Also, since this is out of pocket for us what is in each of our budget financially for purchases? As I've said, I can get the discount at Sam's since I'm a member and I can see if they'll give us any additional percentage off.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Documentation of your art work:

Jonathan Ruth has agreed to conduct a two class session photography workshop for the seminar. However, the dates he is available will be November 15 and 17, the Tuesday and Thursday before our opening, but during our class time. So we're looking at 50 minute sessions. I know that we'll be pretty busy with prepping and installing, but do you think this is doable. There's not much we can do in 50 minutes at the exhibit space, and we're likely to get much more done during longer work sessions, such as evenings and weekends leading up to the 19th. This workshop will help you prepare for your PowerPoint presentations scheduled for December 1 and 6, possible the 8th as well. Thoughts?

Saturday, October 15, 2011


My thoughts are this... As far as food we probably want to see what we can have donated from restaurants first.


Pending on where we stand at that point I can ask at Sam's Club if they would give any kind of a discount over and above member discounts. I'm going to bet donations are out because it's a division of Walmart and they probably need to get corporate approval and we all seem to be running into conflicts with corporate organizations as far as time constraints.

I've had some of the Nancy's brand products over the years and those are always good. We can always bring in a micro to heat things in the backroom if we have warmers. Mine isn't huge so I can tote that for warming the foods. But, we'll probably want a 2nd one.

And I'm betting I could finagle a couple teens that would man the micros for us that day. Not that their Mom would object to slave labor. :) Jerrye's probably got one that would do that too! And I know a couple young ladies that are still gushing over him and can't wait to see him in concert! :)

I have a decent freezer here to store some foods if we need to order in advance or maybe we can ship to the store and I'll pick it up the day before. We may need some things to thaw so we wouldn't want to wait till that day.

The dessert things are normally good too like mini cheesecakes and things and they have a GREAT fresh bakery.

And we know I have the membership. (P.S. as students we can all get the membership there. When I signed up they gave a gift certificate to students which was about 1/2 the membership cost and I saved OVER that amount in the first trip.) I've never NOT saved on anything in there based on volume. And I've yet to be disappointed on the quality. So, even if they don't donate we would get reasonable prices if all want to chip in something and give me an idea of what quantities and what you would like.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Yesterday's gathering

We started to detail the necessary items for both the preparation of the space as well as the installation and opening reception. They are listed below, please indicate what items you can contribute and/or obtain for our purposes. I have indicated the ones that have volunteers.

1. Rollers/refills (we can purchase these, but if you have a roller pan and roller handles, please sign up for those. I can bring a pan and roller handle.)

2. Floor covering (Rosin paper seems to be the materials that is discussed most, but we should test it to see if it will satisfy our needs. Shawn has some at his home; can you bring it to seminar on Tuesday?)

3. Brushes (we'll need a few for cutting in and some detail work. I can bring in a few.)

4. Pedestals (can someone check with Brian Harper to see if we can borrow some from the gallery for the week-long run of the exhibit?)

5. Black duct tape (used for closing seams on floor covering and creating a repetition of the ceiling grid.

6. Staple guns/staples (does anyone have a staple gun? I can bring in one.)

7. Table cloths (it would be better to bring in such rather than purchasing. I can bring in a few, but we'll need a few more I'm sure.)

8. Plates/cups/utensils, and serving platters (we can purchase these as we get closer to the event, if need be.)

9. Small can of black flat paint and a few cans of black spray paint (used to touch up details after removing ceiling tiles. We can purchase later. In fact, there are many items that we can get at Home Depot in one fell swoop.)

10. Card tables, or some kind of easily transportable tables (so that folks can take a break and have a place to set down their refreshments. Randilyn will have guest who will be signing, so they will definitely need to set their things down in order to do so.)

11. Chairs (can't get them from the university, they are only for on-campus events. I have four folding chairs I can bring, who else can bring some in?)

12. Sandwich board (who can make a sandwich board to set out front on the side walk announcing the event?)

13. Vinyl letters (Zhalda and Katie have taken on the responsibility of organizing this feature: the title of the show and the names or all participants that can be applied to the front window. Check with Donna Stallard to see who she used for the gallery, she can get us a discount.)

14. Black extension cords (we'll likely need several given the scarcity of outlets at Preston's. Need to check on the electrical load of clamp on lights)

15. Step ladders (Shawn has volunteers two, but a few more might not be a bad idea.)

16. Food (I think we can get this covered by pitching in a little kitchen duty, Sam's club, local restaurants. What can you bring to the party?

17. A large hot-beverage server and a few hot food chaffing dishes with sterno ( November 19 might be a chilly evening, so we'll want to have something warm to serve guests.)

So there's what we came up with. I'm sure we can add to the list as the date gets closer. Since there seems to be a local shortage of clam on lights, do any of you have any that you can donate for the week of the show? Or, do we have any other ideas for lighting?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Facebook event.

I set up an additional Facebook account under my student e-mail for the event. I thought I could put you and Shawn on there as moderators but apparently I can't for an event. So, let me know what you want me to change there. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163082070450251


I ran into Lowe's yesterday and checked prices on the red rosin rolls and they were $11.97. It looked like all the prices were going to be the same. They had the same going for the paint rollers and even the little kits that had everything you need for $9.97. They had plenty of the paper rolls but I did not see any of the clamp on lights. I think we need to go to Home Depot and see how many are available. It would be bad if they did not have enough in stock. I only saw the one at HP.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just a thought...

With the Student Show at IUS last fall the Dirtbags stemmed off and had the Reject Show.

We'll have all the open space at the front of Preston's. What if... We open that area up for other students to put a piece in? It would be a way to honor Preston's even further. Not in the area we'll be hanging our art. But the unfinished places.

It could be open to all the foundations people through juniors. We could have a designated time they have to come to hang their piece and they would have to come hang it themselves. And we could restrict it to one piece so we don't have someone putting up a 1/2 dozen and no room for others.

We could call their show Eclectic. LOL (Hi WIL!)



I took the liberty of looking it up. The small cards are .29 and the large are .44 cents.

Also, I'm not seeing the cat and dog stamps that I bought that benefit the animals anymore. Possibly they were discontinued. Whomever picks them up for us can ask if they are available still. It cost no extra and benefitted a good cause.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Hey guys, sorry I missed today's class, migraines are a pain >.<

Anyway, I wasn't exactly sure what all you wanted me to mention in the paragraph, but here it is... let me know what changes you wanna make to it:

"The graduating class of he IUS Fine Arts division cordially invites you to the opening event of our gallery, "Eclectica", in memory and honor of the former Preston's Arts Center of New Albany. We sincerely hope that you will join us and witness the fruits of our labor, talk with the artists themselves, and enjoy the celebrations of the evening."

Feel free to add or subtract anything you see fit.

Monday, October 10, 2011


To get an accurate estimate of our linear feet of art for the exhibit, please prepare an inventory by Tuesday of the works you are intending to include in the show (2-D only). Please give dimensions in height x width; so if you have a painting that is 12" high and 14" wide, state your dimensions at 12" x 14". H x W is the standard. The purpose for doing this is to make sure we have enough work to carry the space and to better gauge the amount of space needed between the works. As I mentioned last week, we had 60" feet of art and 123" of wall space. This may not have been an accurate number, so please try to be more accurate on Tuesday. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Shawn, I went to Preston's Facebook page...

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.350739765153.360799.83564060153&type=1 They have photos there of the storefront of NA Preston's, but I don't see a message option. Could you please inquire if it's OK if I use one for us for our Facebook page? Email me back! daughter_liberty@yahoo.com

Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 4th Meeting

I missed the last meeting (Tuesday, October 4th). Can someone please fill me in? Thank you!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A question about purchasing for the show...

If we are purchasing things for the show do we need get the tax free status? If so, don't we need the EIN # or something like that?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Home Depot

I am going toHome Depot when I get off of work tomorrow night and hope to catch the same manager. I might not be at school tomorrow due to my car being worked on. If it is fixed on time , great. If not , Katie has the paper work for the check. I will blog tomorrow night when I know something.


Well, I went with my mom for some breakfast and Patticake's on Market in New Albany and we spoke with the owner, Patty, and she said she should be able to put some food together for us. I doubt it will be enough for the entire event, but I think its a start. She I just need to drop off a form to her sometime this week and she'd get back with me after Harvest Homecoming to let me know what she could do. I'll stop by Porter Paints tomorrow before class to see what they can do for us.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Floor Plans

I ran into Don Preston at Donna's guest artist lecture. I did confirm with him that our chosen section for our show is fine. We can also move ceiling tiles. I also requested that the items we marked stay behind, the table, dividers, etc.

I drew up some plans based on our measurements. I posted them on the website. The walls were not very square and we were in a hurry, so plan on a few inches either direction on the measurements.

Next on my list is to see if we can get in to work any earlier than the 10th.

Maybe I'm confused...

Katie and I were talking. Can we put in NOTHING from last semester for this show?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bad News...

I won't be able to use my brother's discount for paint and supplies. After hearing about the need for the procurement card, I thought I'd double check and he said that IUS would be the customer in that case and his discount is only for family. He did say he thought IUS should already have a discount on their account, so maybe we can look into that? If someone knows who we would ask I'll be happy to do it.

Home Depot

I am going to run through the list of items and the individual prices. The Manager said that he would check on how much they have for donations and discounts and get back with me within a week. I think he will call in a few days. If I haven't heard by Sunday I will go back in.
This is the run down.
Paint white flat for a 5 gallon is 40.00, for a 5 gallon of egg shell 53.00
The cheapest paint trays were 77 cents each. Rollers for a pack of 3 is 7.97,the paint rollers themselves were around 6.00, you can buy cheap sets with a brush included for around 10.00.
They had red rosin paper that was pretty thick for 11.97 ,36x160 ft.,Builders brown paper, 35x140' for 10.97, the white plastic was 35.98 for 8x100', 18.98 for 10x25',and 98.00 for 20x100' black. They also had clear for 59.98 ,10x 100' .
The clamp on lights were 7.89 that actually had a big clamp and large silver hood. There were some smaller ones that could be sat on something for around 9.95 and small clamp black was 12.97
Nice canvas drop cloths were 21.98 for the largest size which is 9x12'
Extension cords white 12' long are 2.58 and power strips are 3.27
I think that does it for prices. I will post as soon as I get a call about discounts and such. David the night manager ask when we would need all the supplies and I said my Nov. 10th. If there is anything else , questions or information from there let me know. I live pretty close so it is not a problem to go by.

Paint and Supplies

The main thing I need to know for the paint and such is when I can get the procurement card. I'm waiting on a response from my brother as to whether or not using that card will make any difference in the discount, but I am assuming it won't if I am the one picking it up. Of course, if Jerrye finds out that she can get it cheaper at Home Depot this point will be moot. Also, is there anyway I can get an estimate on the square footage of the space? And lastly, how many rollers and things do we think we will need?

On an unrelated note, is there any way possible to estimate the number of people we will have for food purposes. I can start contacting people as soon as I hear back from my aunt but it would be nice to have some kind of number if we can.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Our URL is active. I uploaded a coming soon page with a retro look I made in my mad scientist kit.

Who should I send the group photos to tonight?

I know the photobooth photos were going to Wil. And I want copies! :) I know Randilyn talked about editing at one point. I'll upload them tonight. I didn't get home till almost 10 last night.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Meeting in New Albany

I called Don and Kathy to confirm they will have the store open for us at noon this Thursday, 29th. That is downtown New Albany 315 Pearl Street. The easiest way from campus is to stay south on Grant Line. It becomes 8th Street eventually and will take you to Spring Street in downtown New Albany. Turn right onto Spring and then left onto Pearl.

Kathy will meet us at the store. I will have a tape measure and graph paper to map out our available space.

Don't forget artist statements are due to Brian via email the same day, and we need our logo and postcard ideas to start rolling in.

Bring your brainstorming caps...
See you there.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Meeting in Louisville

I took a little trip around 12 today just to get an idea on how bad traffic was at this time on a weekday.  It's not terrible, but I highly recommend going brown station way instead of 265 - 65.  65 was backed up just a little past Lewis & Clark.  It seemed to be moving at a reasonable pace, but I hopped off onto Lewis & Clark and went down to Brown Station way to 2nd street.  Things still get a little cluttered at 2nd street, but traffic is just something you have to learn to deal with.

For those of you who wish to take Brown Station Way, but do not know how to get there from IUS:

  • Go straight out of IUS onto Klerner Ln
  • when you get to Charlestown Rd. make a right (its at a stop light with thorton's in front of you)
  • go down to the light at Silver St. and take a left
  • take that rd to the next stop light and make a left on Spring St. this road will turn into Brown Station Way
  • Make sure you stay to the right so you can get on 2nd St. Bridge when it forks.
Jerrye says Magnolia is between Clay and Shelby St. on Market, so its not too far once you make your turn. 

If you take these directions and get lost you can call me.. 812/ 653-0401

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A second show?

Am I understanding it that we may be going into the following weekend with a 2nd show or closing event? If we do I may have someone that's a chef that would provide some food. If he does I'm hoping we could afford him the opportunity to present the book he's had published or his services as well.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Artist Statement

So... I'm done with my artist statement... and I was curious if there is a way that I can post it here to get opinions on it...

Meeting with Don and Gary

Shawn and I met with Don Preston and Gary (from River City Winery) regarding our exhibit proposal/plans, and it went GREAT!!! We will not need to obtain a liability insurance certificate. Gary, who will likely have possession of the building at the time of our opening, said it will not be an issue as they have such insurance. However, we will need to prepare a release should artwork be stolen.

Gary will also provide wine at wholesale prices (maybe even some donation) and a server during the opening, so no one in our group will need to get a license, as the RCW license can travel next door.

Don will announce our show on their web site and e-newsletter, which goes to over 5000 folks in the art community. He will also have tables for food, and chairs for patrons who need/want to sit.

Gary suggested that we move our opening date from the 18th to the 19th. If we have an opening from 6:00-9:00 on Friday, he though we'd lose a lot of people due the the bridge situation, Friday evening traffic is very tough getting across the river during that time. He said there are no traffic issues on Saturday evenings. River City Winery gets their Louisville patrons on Saturdays, not Fridays because of those traffic delays.

It was also suggested that we extend the show through the following weekend as the 'Jingle Walk' event apparently brings a lot of people to downtown New Albany the weekend after Thanksgiving. The suggested days of operating the Eclectica Gallery would be, and this is only a suggestion: Take possession of the space on Thursday, November 10 to begin prep and installation; Friday the 18th (Soft opening); Saturday the 19th (grand opening w/refreshments and music?) and all artists in attendance; Closed Sunday the 20th and Monday the 21st, half days with maybe two gallery sitters Tuesday the 22nd and Wednesday the 23rd; closed Thanksgiving; half days with gallery sitters Friday the 25th, and Saturday the 26th with possible more wine tasting. Think about it.

Don and Gary were both very gracious and accommodating and seem to be willing to help us in any way they can, and both are excited about the exhibit. This will be the last art event at Preston's and will likely draw a very big crowd, so as Shawn suggested, we need to put our best foot forward.

The Seminar will meet at the Preston space on Thursday, September 29 during our class time to look and discuss installation possibilities.

Shawn, have I left anything out?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Magbooth Photos

We are on for Tuesdays photo session and I am hoping that a few of you will come a little early. I will be there by 11:30 just to make sure that all is a go. I stopped by to talk and to set up for Tuesday. Victor said not to wear black. If you do, you will look like a floating head. That might be kind of fun and funny. Maybe bring a black shirt just in case we all decide to be bobble heads. There are several small restaurants on the block if anyone wants to do a quick lunch too. I did look around for a place for the group photo but really did not see anything that struck me. I am sure that there are places close. The address is 714 E. Market and the name is the Magnolia Photo Booth Co. Don't forget to bring your cameras and a tripod.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I need a HUGE favor tomorrow afternoon for you manly sorts... It will probably need to be after my French class ends since they don't like when you skip tests. SIGH! But, in the graphics room I have a canopy that I need to get out of the graphics room to my car. I'll be in handicapped if that's any incentive! Plus I'm really nice and I'm your FRIIIIEEEEND!

If Brian has somewhere for it in ceramics we can take it there too. He's never grabbed it and I know he uses Kristi's for things. I just don't want it dumped since Marilyn said they don't need it really.

Artist's Statements

Our discussion of Artist's statements produced some pretty provocative and even bold assertions about the need, intent, and function of such documents. Artist's statements are generally very difficult for an artist to write because one has to get out of the right side of the brain, the creative side, and hang out for a while on the left side, the more logical side; the side that allows us to be more analytical about what we do and why we do it. However, for our growth as artists, we have to do it from time to time. Sometimes Artists statements are written for a particular piece or for a particular exhibition. I know I've written more than I can remember. So, depending on the situation, or the intent, you may need an artist statement that is only a few paragraphs, or another that's several pages in length.

Often it's difficult to know where to begin, or what topics to cover, but there are ways to approach it that might be helpful, even fun, such as the points of consideration that I listed on our syllabus. www.mollygordon.com/resources/marketingresources/artstatemt/ offers some points that can provide some direction for your first drafts.

Those first drafts come to me as email attachments on or before the 29th. Please send them as word.docx so that I can comment directly in the document. Do not send as pdf. Have fun discovering who you are as artists.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Group Picture Retake?

I honestly would like to have our group picture retake so maybe we should set a date and I do have a Canon Rebel XSI camera and I can bring it but if someone else has a better camera, they can bring it as well... I just want our picture to be the most awesome picture ever! I was thinking maybe we should try to do photo booth poses and I could design a photo booth strip. What do y'all think?


Friday, September 16, 2011

Time for the show.

Brian, once we have the title nailed down I'll set up the Facebook page. What TIME should I put the event as starting at? If we're going to extend the days the show is open and sitting there and speaking to people I'll commit to Sunday, 11/20. With my problems with my knees and hip I don't think I could do Friday and Saturday there and on my feet. But I think we should decide that fairly quickly too.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Details, details, details.....

We have decided to open on the 18th of November at Preston's Art Center. It will not conflict with the BFA group as they do not have a date set.

It was decided that all suggested titles for the show will be submitted here on our blog by 5:00 Friday, and voted on by 3:00 on Saturday, giving Daniel and Will a few days to mull over some design ideas. If there are others who would like to put together design options, the more the better. We can have a "design competition" and vote on our favorite. The announcements should be mailed between Nov 3-5 to insure that folks get it on their calendars, that puts printing in Mid-October. We can also broadcast through Facebook to lots of people, which will hit a bigger audience than the cards, but it's nice to have a tangible memory of the event.

Don't forget, cast your idea for the title, then cast your vote (maybe vote for two to keep it democratic).

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Senior Show Title Ideas


Choose a location...

It sounds like we have narrowed down our choices to two locations:

1. Preston Art Center, New Albany

2. Brian's Gallery on 3rd, Louisville

We must choose one this week.  Hopefully by Thursday, 9/15.

Reply to this message with your vote and/or thoughts on the matter.

Here are my thoughts:
Both Brian and Preston's have approved of our exhibition at their locations. The choice comes down to advantages/disadvantages.
***pros and cons updated 9/14***
... is close to campus. It would be easy to meet there quickly between classes.
... has the Winery and restaurants next door.
... can help advertise and get the word out big-time.
... is community related, farewell thank-you to Preston's.

... maybe less people are willing to cross the bridge on a Friday.
... might require more cleanup to get ready.
... will require more setup work - lighting, hanging, cleaning

3rd Street
... is owned by Brian. We can get easy access.
... is close to all the other galleries on the Trolley Hop 11/4
... has a bar if we can confirm the mobile bartender.
... is easier for those who live in Louisville.
... has very nasty traffic. We would have to carpool, etc.
... what if we can't get the bartender?
... will mean an earlier show if we want to take advantage of Trolley Hop 11/4.

I am torn between the two, but I think my vote goes to Preston's because it is close and easy from campus. I think it also a good tribute to Preston's. They have given the Arts program huge support over the years. It would make a good "Thank You." Someone post photos of 3rd Street, though. Maybe it is an awesome space? I have seen it, but don't remember what it looks like inside or out.

Post a comment.... cast a vote.

Friday, September 9, 2011


I will NOT be heading to L'ville to check out the locations myself. Yes, I'm in S. Indiana on the WRONG side of the bridge. I would think depending on what the predict Preston's in New Albany may not be the best location for the art crowd to hit.

Yes, it will take me far longer to get to where we choose but I don't see a pretty picture on people arriving at Preston's that's just this side of the bridge.

The Decision

It was good that we settled on putting together an exhibition for the collaborative project. Shawn checked with Don and Kathy at Preston's and Kathy said she'd get back with him next week. Mine and Cynthia's space on third street will likely be available for the Nov trolley hop. Daniel is checking with LOT Gallery.

Here are steps to consider for the project:
1. Brainstorm a list of possible venues and contacts. (in progress)
2. Visit possible venues and discuss opportunities with owners.
3. Decide on a venue.
4. Create floor plan of venue for exhibit design.
5. Layout mock exhibition.
6. Design publicity materials.
7. print/distribute/mail publicity materials
8. Prepare venue for exhibition (patch/paint/lights/etc.)
9. Move work (ready to install) to venue and install exhibition.
10. Host opening.
11. Gallery sitting, if necessary.
12. Uninstall exhibition.

Possible dates we considered:
November 4 (First Friday Gallery Hop if downtown Louisville)
November 18, prior to Thanksgiving Break.
December 2, week before classes end. (Annual student exhibit opens on December 1, this may present a conflict)

Two ideas on the table for the exhibit:
1. An exhibition of your best work that would create an engaging "showcase" of your most recent creative efforts. Likely 2-3 pieces each.
2. Identity Theft - each participant in the exhibit creates work in the style of someone else in the seminar.
3. The exhibit could include a collaborative piece in which everyone contributes.

So, there it is in a nutshell. Graphic Designers be thinking about publicity stuff. I'll check to see what kind of budget we have. Let's see how much we can nail down between now and Tuesday.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Brian, I have a question that is a hair off topic...

With the senior BA shows next semester can we include things we do THIS year outside of class? I know the focus is to be this years work, but I have some ideas that may or may not fit in with the class assignments even with the 3 paintings we have free choice on.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Group Project

As you all know, a big part of the seminar is the group project, a collaborative undertaking of creativity. That project can take many forms, some of which I mentioned in the very first post of the semester. This project should be going through the idea-generating phase ASAP, as it may involve a lot of timely logistical arrangements and delegation of duties. There have been a few things mentioned, but why not use this post as a place to start gathering those thoughts.

First, how about just listing some possibilities. After we get a healthy list, we can discuss them during our gathering to narrow the list to the ideas that are the most exciting to the group. So what are some possibilities that would get everyone fired up about working as a group? What are some possibilities that each of you would be proud of at the end of the semester because you were a part of it? What are some possibilities that would capitalize on your collective skills and creative problem solving strategies? What are some possibilities for unique collective interpretations?

Let's shoot for twelve different ideas and see what happens.

Home sick today, but sent my resume's in.

I thought a couple I saw might apply to Jerrye as well because we both are actually graduating with the studio arts degrees which means we chose to areas.  I have painting and graphics and she has ceramics and painting I believe.

Anyway, I sent my links to Brian and Wil since I know Wil is glued to his IPad.  :)  I put what I liked about them and disliked.  I really would prefer to do the CD with mine and have a printed resume since both areas I'm specializing in are so visual.  I geared my comments in that direction and would appreciate any positive or negative feedback.

And you can all thank me Thursday for not sharing my crud at the beginning of a hectic semester!  :)  Cough!  Cough!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Web pages in Power Point

I was looking at PP and it appears quite easy to create the web files in PP.  Simply SAVE AS a web page.  :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Issues with Artist Statements

Okay, I don't know if it's just my luck, but I've been looking and looking and none of the artists who I feel have either a congruent style to my own, or have inspired my art in the past don't seem to have any artist statements available... Some have published interviews, and some have biographies, but no luck with artist statements. I have looked up Tarsem Singh (the director of The Cell, and The Fall), I have looked up Luis Royo, Glenn Rane (concept artist and illustrator for the Warcraft Franchise, Starcraft and Diablo), Serge Birault, Mukesh Singh (Illustrated Grant Morrison's graphic novel "18 Days"), and even Jim Henson and and Hayaho Miyazaki only have Biographies and Interviews available. *sigh*

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Instructions to set up email notifications and allow others to email you.

Once you have logged in on the blog, on the right side of the blog will be your profile picture and an "Options" underneath your name. If you do not see this click Sign In up at the top right.

 Click that link and it'll bring up a drop down menu. Choose the first option of "Site Settings". Once the Settings page has loaded you will choose "Messaging" on the left menu.

 Messaging will load this page. Click both of boxes and save.  You should now be receiving email updates to the blog.

If this doesn't work then let me know and I'll take a look at it individually.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Welcome to THE SEMINAR

Fall semester, 2011, marks the beginning of the final two semesters of your undergraduate careers. There will be many things to discuss, consider, and act on in the course of this seminar. Unfortunately, though, the actual time we'll have together is very short, 50 minutes twice a week. That's hardly enough time to actually be a seminar, so we'll be utilizing this forum a lot. Each of you have been authorized to post on this site, and after signing up to become a "Follower", each of you can also respond to and contribute to each others posts through discussions. Many of you have been 'followers' of my other three blogs, Intalyo, Images and Ideas, and IUSARTCAR, so you know how easy it is to maneuver in this arena. So get on board and let the semester begin.

You'll be doing some writing this semester, such as constructing a resume and creating an artist's statement about your work; you'll learn how to document your creative work in a workshop with Jonathon Ruth; you'll create a PowerPoint presentation about your work to present to the rest of the group; you'll create a collaborative project, a tradition with past seminars, such as a group exhibit in an alternative space, or a site-specific installation, an artcar, stop action video, performance...lots of options. There will also be a post-test of essential vocabulary. Remember, you did the pre-test back when you entered the program. Finally, you'll submit a CD that contains examples of your work, your resume, and your artist's statement. It's going to be a busy semester!

Enjoy the final morsels of summer and I'll see you on August 30.