Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Artist's Statements

Our discussion of Artist's statements produced some pretty provocative and even bold assertions about the need, intent, and function of such documents. Artist's statements are generally very difficult for an artist to write because one has to get out of the right side of the brain, the creative side, and hang out for a while on the left side, the more logical side; the side that allows us to be more analytical about what we do and why we do it. However, for our growth as artists, we have to do it from time to time. Sometimes Artists statements are written for a particular piece or for a particular exhibition. I know I've written more than I can remember. So, depending on the situation, or the intent, you may need an artist statement that is only a few paragraphs, or another that's several pages in length.

Often it's difficult to know where to begin, or what topics to cover, but there are ways to approach it that might be helpful, even fun, such as the points of consideration that I listed on our syllabus. offers some points that can provide some direction for your first drafts.

Those first drafts come to me as email attachments on or before the 29th. Please send them as word.docx so that I can comment directly in the document. Do not send as pdf. Have fun discovering who you are as artists.

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