Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Senior Show Title Ideas


  1. Let's get creative!! We need a title for our show... all ideas are welcome.

    I'll start (and no its not that original) but what about Untitled

  2. OK, we're talking about our identity and often artists sign their work. I'm thinking a little double entendre here and Randilyn in our motley crew here. :O) But, what about "Signed"?

  3. Old Truths In A New Light?

    I like both Zhalda and Connie's title ideas too.

  4. How about "Eclectica" from eclectic. The root, Eclectic, points out that we all have many styles and people will expect to see a wide variety. This way we can all bring our best new and existing work together while still having a show that makes sense. There are other more obsure meanings for "eclectica" that are fun. Google it.

  5. Before I make any suggestions, I would like to know more about everyone's work. Does everyone have a central theme?

  6. The two I've tossed out there are Signed and Remnants.

  7. Two more hours to get your show title on the ballot. So far we have Untitled, Old Truths in a New Light, Eclectica, Remnants, and Signed.

  8. Exactly why did we need more time to come up with ideas? We have half the group participating and the other half watching Glee I guess...

  9. I'm with Shawn that we wasted time by extending this if no one was going to kick in new ideas. We could have been creating graphics or preparing sites for the show.

  10. ECLECTICA - - fits really well. Thanks to those of you who voted.
