Monday, November 21, 2011

Event of the Season

The early minutes of the opening.

Our gallery front.

Opening in full swing.

Lots of art lookers.

The biggest part of the crowd that maintained for at least two of the three hours.

This past Saturday's opening of the BA Senior Seminar exhibit was one of the most impressive seminar exhibits I've attended. Estimates from Don Preston and Kathy Brennan had the crowd at 650, although I heard others suggest 1000. Many thanks go to Don and Kathy for posting our press release on their Newsletter, which has 5700 subscribers. I heard many strong comments from many of our guests. Don Anderson, the first BA graduate from our program in 1979, was especially impressed with everything that you all did. I know some of you had cameras with you, so please get some of those shots to Shawn for posting on the web site.

I'm very proud of all of you. The exhibit looks great, the space looks great, the food was plentiful, and the crowd entered many very complimentary comments in the guest-book. After the confusion about the wine was resolved, the success of the evening went without a hitch.

The Sunday after the Jingle Walk, we'll need to dismantle the show and the space. Please plan on participating in this last phase of the project. We'll probably need a good chunk of time, so let's plan for 10:00 a.m. and go until we're done.

Amazing opening!!!!


  1. Now we have to top this for our February show. All new art!

  2. I'm going to be doing a continuation of the keyhole series. So, those three pieces will be in there as well as any others I complete by February.

    I also spoke to Emily and told her I would like to create something beyond just the class assignments from life drawing to include as well and she's agreeable.

    Has anyone else thought of what road they want to take in February? Let's not forget we have a new artist joining us! Hey Dilu! Jump right in!

  3. (We may need to sneak the wine in for this one... ;0) )
