Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Uumm, soo... I guess I'll just show up at 1 PM on Friday and Saturday then... and stay 'til whenever...


  1. I think the schedule is posted in OnCourse. Somebody sent a message out... Connie maybe. I don't think anyone worked out shifts, just 4-hours each so far. I have to be there to open the doors and lock up so I am pretty flexible.

  2. We didn't work out times per se. Just days. A couple were supposed to let Brian know based on family/work and that's between them. But yes, it is all on Oncourse in the messages. I did send them to All.

  3. For tomorrow it's Randilyn, Shawn, Fran and me. Fran said at about 1 she would get there. I had put in for the afternoon, but I can be flexible. What time do you and Randilyn plan on being there Shawn? Do you need me earlier shift?

    And what about any of the others that didn't know their schedules when we were organizing the hours?

  4. I'll be here tomorrow (Saturday) at 1pm to 7pm. Gotta make up hours that I missed today so I felt bad about it. :(
