Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Choose a location...

It sounds like we have narrowed down our choices to two locations:

1. Preston Art Center, New Albany

2. Brian's Gallery on 3rd, Louisville

We must choose one this week.  Hopefully by Thursday, 9/15.

Reply to this message with your vote and/or thoughts on the matter.

Here are my thoughts:
Both Brian and Preston's have approved of our exhibition at their locations. The choice comes down to advantages/disadvantages.
***pros and cons updated 9/14***
... is close to campus. It would be easy to meet there quickly between classes.
... has the Winery and restaurants next door.
... can help advertise and get the word out big-time.
... is community related, farewell thank-you to Preston's.

... maybe less people are willing to cross the bridge on a Friday.
... might require more cleanup to get ready.
... will require more setup work - lighting, hanging, cleaning

3rd Street
... is owned by Brian. We can get easy access.
... is close to all the other galleries on the Trolley Hop 11/4
... has a bar if we can confirm the mobile bartender.
... is easier for those who live in Louisville.
... has very nasty traffic. We would have to carpool, etc.
... what if we can't get the bartender?
... will mean an earlier show if we want to take advantage of Trolley Hop 11/4.

I am torn between the two, but I think my vote goes to Preston's because it is close and easy from campus. I think it also a good tribute to Preston's. They have given the Arts program huge support over the years. It would make a good "Thank You." Someone post photos of 3rd Street, though. Maybe it is an awesome space? I have seen it, but don't remember what it looks like inside or out.

Post a comment.... cast a vote.


  1. OK, this is probably off the wall! But, it's a big what if... What if we approached the winery next to Preston's and if people presented a ticket from our show they get a free glass of wine or soda depending on age of course! We have to keep it legal.

    We could charge some outlandish fee like 50 cents in advance or a $1 a ticket which we could donate to a local art association in our area.

    One it would give back to the community from the graduating BA seniors by giving to an art association and two it would give us an idea or people coming to our show. Three, it would promote business in New Albany because most will hang out for a bite and some wine at the winery after seeing our art. :)

  2. The reason I'm proposing this is as Brian said the wine at a show does attract and the one in L'ville has that. My thought is this is a way of including this that wouldn't be to rough to accomplish at Preston's.

    In addition the one in L'ville does have the Trolley Hop.

    I do like the idea of giving back to Preston's as well. And for me personally that's much more convenient. So, there are pros and cons to both locations.

    One thing I'm not clear on is the traveling bartender. I thought from what Brian said we didn't need that with his location because it's privately owned. I thought we needed that potentially if there is a location that is public because someone mentioned they knew of someone that 'traveled' with a licence that followed them.

    And it may sway my vote on the direction we go if we can present this with that option in some way.

  3. I am casting my vote for Preston Art Center as our location for the exhibition.

  4. i'm gonna go with Preston's as well.

  5. It's looking like Preston's and I'm fine with that.

  6. We need Brian to chime in too. There are issues to consider that he has more experience with. For example, lighting and installing our work might be simple in a gallery, but a real pain in an old art store. His opinion is going to play a big factor.

  7. The list of pros and cons needs some minor adjustment. For the Louisville location, taking advantage of the 11/4 trolley hop was an perk of the location, it does not mean we have to show on that date. And, if the exhibit were to be installed there, the "nasty traffic" might be to our advantage, our alley is a direct path for pedestrians to 4th Street Live. Since it is a privately owned space, we can serve alcohol in the space, but we'd have to have a licensed bar tender on the premises. Brett Ernst would probably do that for us (former student and current adjunct faculty member). The licensed bar tender is a liability issue when serving alcohol.

    Prestons has been a major supported of our program and its students for decades. If they are excited about this idea and can broadcast it on their e-newsletter, that is huge marketing. It would be a very fitting gesture of gratitude if they are embracing the idea of hosting the exhibit. What I worry about is having the space ready for the exhibit. It would require a lot of work to prepare, unless they are going to paint/clean for selling the building. Alcohol at Prestons will also require a license, not necessarily a bartender. From what I understand, anyone of age can obtain a wine-pouring license for one-time special events, and since all of you are of age, anyone of you can obtain that license. Also, having the exhibit at Prestons would likely result in lots of local news stories.

  8. I just stopped in at Preston's in New Albany, since that appears to be the favorite. I got to look around and talk directly to Don Preston. The store was nearly vacant already. I took some quick pics on my cell phone as well. The store is much larger than it seems empty. I was actually pretty excited about showing there after I left. I have some more details that I will share in class.

  9. YAY! Cannot wait to hear and see details!

  10. Initially my vote was for Brian's space, but I think I'm going to have to cast my vote for Preston. I know some people live in Louisville, but does anyone live downtown? Regardless of where everyone lives, Preston is close to campus which is a big help. And while we might lose some people because of the bridge, I think Preston has a prime location given its proximity to a number of restaurants and bars.
