Thursday, September 15, 2011

Details, details, details.....

We have decided to open on the 18th of November at Preston's Art Center. It will not conflict with the BFA group as they do not have a date set.

It was decided that all suggested titles for the show will be submitted here on our blog by 5:00 Friday, and voted on by 3:00 on Saturday, giving Daniel and Will a few days to mull over some design ideas. If there are others who would like to put together design options, the more the better. We can have a "design competition" and vote on our favorite. The announcements should be mailed between Nov 3-5 to insure that folks get it on their calendars, that puts printing in Mid-October. We can also broadcast through Facebook to lots of people, which will hit a bigger audience than the cards, but it's nice to have a tangible memory of the event.

Don't forget, cast your idea for the title, then cast your vote (maybe vote for two to keep it democratic).


  1. Jonathon, I'm leaning towards that too, but you may want to reserve your vote till we hear all the suggestions. :)

  2. Old truths in a new light is the only suggestion I'd create so far. Eclectica kept popping in my mind when I tried to think of other suggestions though.

  3. Yeah I think I like Eclectica too.

  4. I liked Eclectica from the moment I heard it.... I totally did forget to put in my own suggestion though >.< So sorry about that guys, between still being sick and running around and getting stuff for my mom's birthday today, it just completely slipped my mind.
    I'mma have to go with Eclectica though, I just love the ring it has to it.

  5. Voted Eclectica too! Also, I would like for all of us to meet at Preston's to brainstorm ideas really soon.

  6. Cute! Eclectica now has five votes - am I counting right - which means we don't have a majority yet. Keep voting.

  7. I'm from Chicago. Can I vote twice? And maybe once for each of my late parents?

  8. Okay Eclectica. I just didn't want to vote for my own.

  9. Are the polls closed? We have 6 for Eclectica and none for the others.
