Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Group Project

As you all know, a big part of the seminar is the group project, a collaborative undertaking of creativity. That project can take many forms, some of which I mentioned in the very first post of the semester. This project should be going through the idea-generating phase ASAP, as it may involve a lot of timely logistical arrangements and delegation of duties. There have been a few things mentioned, but why not use this post as a place to start gathering those thoughts.

First, how about just listing some possibilities. After we get a healthy list, we can discuss them during our gathering to narrow the list to the ideas that are the most exciting to the group. So what are some possibilities that would get everyone fired up about working as a group? What are some possibilities that each of you would be proud of at the end of the semester because you were a part of it? What are some possibilities that would capitalize on your collective skills and creative problem solving strategies? What are some possibilities for unique collective interpretations?

Let's shoot for twelve different ideas and see what happens.


  1. I'll jump in first. The one that's impressed me the most from what I've seen is the art car. And I think what has with that is the permanence of it in a sense.

    Probably one of the most important things that we need to convey is it can be done. Look at the diversity of our ages and backgrounds in this graduating class. And look how many have dropped out along the way or delayed this important part of their lives.

    If you had asked me four years ago if I could paint a painting or create something from nothing with a piece of paper and a computer or a lump of clay I would have told you that you were CRAZY! But it can be done.

    I would like to see our art express that sense of achievement. I think an event would be appropriate too. But, possibly at IUS?

    If others disagree I'm certainly open to suggestions.

    As far as alternate locations I have that friend with the grounds at the John Work House and he's also friends with the owners of Thomas Winery.

  2. I like the idea of an exhibition or installation. I have had a few ideas but nothing like a complete plan.

    1. We could do something with diversity along the lines of this year's Common Experience theme.

    2. This is the 70th anniversary of IU. I don't have anything to with that thought.

    3. I thought it would be cool if we could do something as a tribute to Preston's Art Center. They are closing the New Albany store. It would be cool if we could have a show in the store when they vacate. They supported us a lot over the years. I have not discussed with Kathy or Don to see if this is even feasible.

    4. I like the idea Connie has of leaving a lasting mark. I think an Art Car might be too much work, but there are alternatives: sculpture, murals, installations, etc.

    5. I like environmental, found object, green art installations.

  3. I LOVE the idea of Preston's Art Store if they'll have the property long enough.

  4. Permanance... A mock 'wall' in the store. Something we could move later and display at IUS after an event?

  5. Hell, we could use the art car to move it. LOL

  6. I do really like the idea of green art installations, Shawn, and also I think Preston's Art Center would be very much appreciated if we did a show in the store. I would like to do that as well. Making an art car... not sure about that. It's not an original idea so I would want to avoid predictable ideas.

    I was thinking of a kind of mixed media project where we could install our work together as a piece-- almost like a graffiti piece but in 3D perspective. This project can be permanence as well.

  7. I agree Randilyn. I don't want to recreate the art car. But the permanence of it is what I like. It's going to be around awhile! :)

  8. I think it should be a project that gives back to the community. I know some people in New Albany that I can contact to see if there is a public project that we could get involved with. I was thinking of a mural or some form of public art that will be around after our graduation.I also like the idea of having a graffiti piece. I do think we should get on it now because it is going to get cold and we are talking about being out in the elements. MAYBE.

  9. I really like Shawn's idea of having a show in Preston's Art Store. I think that would be a perfect location to display our work.
    I also like Randilyn's thoughts about a mixed media project.

    Wil had also mentioned a project like that, one where we could all work in our own mediums but come together to create one whole piece. That way, we are all comfortable working on the project and don't feel awkward working with a medium we don't really care for...

  10. OK, we're building something for the future. What about blocks? I mean, hell, ceramics people could build ceramic blocks that could be the base. We would all have dimensional restrictions. And we can use the media of our choice. We could pick a common theme to create these from.

  11. Keep generating the ideas. Some of these will make great installations to go along with our work. Once we nail down a venue, we will be able to decide which possibilities will fit into a floor plan and fit into our over-all show.
