Friday, September 30, 2011

Floor Plans

I ran into Don Preston at Donna's guest artist lecture. I did confirm with him that our chosen section for our show is fine. We can also move ceiling tiles. I also requested that the items we marked stay behind, the table, dividers, etc.

I drew up some plans based on our measurements. I posted them on the website. The walls were not very square and we were in a hurry, so plan on a few inches either direction on the measurements.

Next on my list is to see if we can get in to work any earlier than the 10th.


  1. Wow! Nicely done, Shawn. I think the 3-D rendering really helps to see the space well.

  2. We have approximately 60 feet of art work and 123 feet of wall space. Again, some of the smaller pieces will need to be grouped so they don't get swallowed up by the space. That knocks our art down even more, so wall exhibitors need to think about adding at least one more piece to your list. Jerry and Randilyn, please send me your list of works and dimensions.

  3. Did you include two drawings from me Brian?

  4. If you need me to I can add from graphics last semester, but paintings would most likely be from last semesters paintings.

    What about a collaborative piece like we all discussed?

  5. Connie, I did not have the drawings on the list I made during seminar, only ten 10" x 10" paintings.

    To get an accurate estimate of our linear feet of art for the exhibit, please prepare an inventory by Tuesday of the works you are intending to include in the show (2-D only). Please give dimensions in Height x width; so if you have a painting that is 12" high and 14" wide, state your dimensions at 12" x 14". H x W is the standard. The purpose for doing this is to make sure we have enough work to carry the space and to better gauge the amount of space needed between the works. As I mentioned last week, we had 60" feet of art and 123" of wall space. This may not have been an accurate number, so please try to be more accurate on Tuesday,

  6. Actually, it was 60 feet and 123 feet, not inches.

  7. New calculations indicate approximately 78 feet of art on 123 feet of wall, so that is a better proportional relationship. Of course we'll not be hanging all the way into corners. Those of you who are painting/drawing, please address your "ready to hang" details; graphic designers who are using wall space, please address your details as well, and make sure your work is not on warped or bowed boards. I know Marilyn is helping to resolve those issues.
