Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Brian asked me to coordinate the food/reception portion of the event.

Please use this tread for your input on what you will provide.


Thus far I have 2 helpers to serve warm and serve any food.

What I'm bringing is the punch bowl and I'll make a sherbert punch for the event myself.

I've got at least two chargers and wooden bowls for chips, bread, etc. I've contacted the artist that made the stoneware chargers to see if they can loan us anything to use and I'll post when I've heard back.

If no one has warmers I'm thinking maybe the cafeteria may loan them to us overnight if they have any? I'll go Thursday afternoon and see if I can reach the woman that runs the kitchen.

Jonathan is contacting some restaurants to see if they will contribute and if we don't hear anything by Thursday with that is there anyone else that can make some phone calls to restaurants and possibly bakeries this weekend with me? We need to know who is donating before we can plan to much on what to bring.

Fran mentioned someone willing to do some baking for us.

Also, since this is out of pocket for us what is in each of our budget financially for purchases? As I've said, I can get the discount at Sam's since I'm a member and I can see if they'll give us any additional percentage off.


  1. http://funkyfoodgasm.blogspot.com/2011/10/sexy-silky-chocolate-eclair-cake.html?spref=fb

    I SOOOO will make and donate this Eclair cake recipe!

  2. http://artifacts.brigandsfolie.com/ J. Henderson Artifacts wrote me back that she'll loan us any large platters/bowls she has in stock. There's not enough time to get additional pieces made for the show or she would have done that too for us. I'm going to list them on the Facebook page and if we could on the web site that would be grand too.

    Also, I'll keep some business cards on the table as a courtesy if anyone would inquire as to who made the pieces.

  3. It's not looking promising on getting additional warmers or the coffee carafe via IUS. Things can't leave campus. I was given an alternate contact that I'll try tomorrow, but that was per Linda, the cafeteria manager.

    I left a message for Jerrye because she may have a rental source if we need it.

  4. Connie, I left letters with Wick's, Tucker's, Habana Blue, and Toast on Market. I've also sent an e-mail to Roger at The New Albanian. Wick's was the only business to give any kind of offer. A man named Scott said he could possibly donate a few 16" pizzas but I would need to call him a few days before the event to remind him. Everyone else has my cell number and I'll hopefully hear from them soon.

  5. You're a sweetheart Jonathan! I'm about to start setting up the list for calling which I'll split with Jerrye.

  6. I'll kick in $50 for the SAM's hors d'oeuvres fund.

  7. I'm just about to make up a menu - price list. My thought with that is we'll continue to seek assistance from restaurants and bakeries. We can prioritize what we would prefer from Sam's. And make a decision in a couple weeks on final items after we're done soliciting.

    I think we can probably get paper goods for a song there too. They might be plain white, but hey, I have no problem with that!

  8. That's something we'll need to discuss. What CAN everyone afford to contribute to the Sam's fund. I anticipate this may need to cover paper goods as well Brian??? It's all in a PowerPoint I just sent to all of you.

    Jerrye and I will be requesting donations as Jonathan has been doing tomorrow. We're going to be phoning, etc to bakeries and restaurants to minimize costs. But, thus far we have about 50 people confirmed with us and guests on Facebook and a about 20 tentative guests. And we haven't mailed a THING. So, when I'm looking at things I'm guessing potentially 200 people. Does that sound reasonable Brian?

  9. My friend said that she would try her best to make anything that we wanted, but she said to make sure and ask everyone else what they will or will not eat. Pretty much everything she makes turns out delicious...soooo, what is everyone in the mood for?

  10. Jerrye mentioned her Mom would make something as well. And Thea asked if we needed anything. I bet she would make something as well. That would cover a few desserts. I'm thinking if we go with cookies or bar type of desserts that's best for finger foods. We could almost make up a pan or two of cheesecakes and that would work if you don't all want what they have at Sam's.

  11. My Mom and sisters are willing to do some baking and we can go to Cosco and pick up some items too. I really think we need to keep it simple and with finger foods.Hot cider with cinnamon along with the punch would be great. Breads and dips are easy and easily displayed and to keep replenished.We want to be able to chat with our friends and family and not to worry about the food. Alec has offered to help too.

  12. I have 5 card tables that I am borrowing from work. They are small but we can put a few together. Once they are covered they will be fine.

  13. I can't call the bakery in the morning. I brain farted and left my phone in painting class! Thankfully Zhalda brought it to the Fine Arts office.... I'll get it back tomorrow.

  14. We'll bump this to 4 helpers now at least... Possibly 5. I confirmed Emily's boyfriend Marcus will help too.
